How to change age on tinder

August 2024 · 3 minute read

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How do I fix my age on tinder?

Your name and age are the only pieces of your profile you can’t update once you’ve created an account. That said, we understand typos are real! If you need to update one or both, you can delete your account and start over.

How do I change my age on tinder 2021?

The only way to change your date of birth on Tinder is if it has been linked to your Facebook. There is no other way around this but to delete your account. If you have registered on Tinder via your email or mobile number, then you can’t change your date of birth.

Why are people’s ages wrong on tinder?

Tinder does not allow you to edit your age after the first (or second?) time you have entered it. It’s actually kind of hilarious, because this is their so-called mechanism of deterring underaged kids from joining the app.

Does tinder change your age automatically?

You can sign up to Tinder via email and Facebook. If you subscribe Tinder with your Facebook account, your age in your Tinder profile will automatically change and update within 24 hours after you change your age on Facebook.

Does tinder say when it’s your birthday?

The other thing Tinder does is use the birthday you have in your Facebook account to display your age, so make sure that’s set correctly, otherwise you’ll be stuck with the wrong age on your Tinder profile.

Can I change my age?

Originally Answered: Can you legally change your age? Your age is a fact and cannot be changed. The reason people want to change their age is because of an arbitrary age-related rule that is preventing them from doing something they want to do. It is often possible to get around these rules.

Can I change my gender?

Under current policy, a transgender person can change their gender on their Social Security records by submitting either government-issued documentation reflecting a change, or a certification from a physician confirming that they have had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition.

Can I change my real name?

If you want to change your legal name, you need state-sanctioned proof of your birth name, such as a birth certificate, and proof of residence in your state. You will then fill out a series of forms and explain why the court should grant you this change.

Is it OK to lie about your age?

Lying about one’s age is considered socially acceptable, as is declaring the fact that your age is nobody’s business. This is interesting, given that perfidy and telling people to “butt out” are usually regarded as graceless gestures when applied to other situations.
