**WARNING – Spoilers ahead for Thor: Love & Thunder**
A new Marvel film means plenty of topics to debate within the fandom, and this time, Korg’s orientation is the subject up for discussion.
Referring to a scene in Thor: Love & Thunder, it is implied that Korg is gay after a scene showing his partner, and fans are weighing in on the reveal.
Directed by Taika Waititi, returning to the helm after Thor: Ragnarok, and penned by Waititi and Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, Thor: Love & Thunder is set to star Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Chris Pratt, and more to showcase the passing of the Thor mantle and Mjølnir to Portman’s Jane Foster, allowing her to become Mighty Thor.
Korg’s scenes in Thor: Love & Thunder revisited
Firstly, Korg reveals in a scene with Valkyrie how baby Kronans are made from a rock ‘handshake’, and then reveals that he had two fathers as well.
Secondly, a scene at the end of the film shows Korg settled down with his partner who carries a mean-looking mustache and they had a baby Kronan together.
Both scenes heavily imply that Korg is gay, but there is another point that suggests the contrary, as pointed out by fans.

Marvel fans have their say
A majority of the Marvel fandom is celebrating the fact that Korg could be gay, alongside Valkyrie’s bisexuality – as confirmed by actor Tessa Thompson.
Furthermore, fans are also pointing out that Korg’s race of Kronans is all-male – referred to as the stone men from Saturn – and some are wondering “if that counts” as being gay.
Korg is revealed to be gay but his entire race is male so ya know- idk if it counts lol
— Hernandy – The Dynasty Sin Amor (COMMISSIONS OPEN) (@Pollos_Hernandy) July 7, 2022View Tweet
Korg is shown to be gay but that's not really by choice (Since his entire race is only guys) & Valkyrie is also gay because they bring up twice how she had a girlfriend.
— Ricardo (@Ricardo15294790) July 8, 2022View Tweet
Is Korg gay?
All Kronans – the race that Korg is – are male, meaning Korg could have possibly never been exposed to a female race until much later on in his life, leaving him and the other Kronans no choice.
Similar to how DC’s Diana Prince, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, and the rest of the Amazons were considered gay, Korg’s orientation is certainly debatable.
As Themyscira was only inhabited by women, it would have been completely normal for females to seek a partnership with another female, and it’s the same case for the Kronans.
However, since Diana Prince ended up falling for Steve Trevor, fans believe that the characters would still be considered gay for choosing to continue their relations with the same sex once the opposite was introduced.
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By Jo Craig – [email protected]
Thor: Love & Thunder is now showing in cinemas worldwide.
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