Everything We Know About Ray Js Relationship With Daughter, Melody Love Norwood

September 2024 · 4 minute read

After most celebrities rise to fame, they spend the rest of their time in the spotlight embracing whatever garnered them success in the first place. In some rare insistences, stars manage to successfully branch out. For example, when musicians give acting a try and they actually are excellent in the role. Then you have Ray J, a celebrity who seems to embrace new directions in his career regularly

Before Ray J first came to notoriety, his cousin Snoop Dogg and sister Brandy both became famous musicians. Since it is very clear that family is extremely important to Snoop Dogg and Brandy, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Ray J’s sister got him a job on her show Moesha. After becoming a fan favorite during his time starring in Moesha, Ray J used that momentum to launch a music career. Once Ray J’s music career slowed to a crawl, he seemingly knew it was time to embrace something new, “reality” TV. As a result of Ray J’s role in a lot of “reality” TV shows, people have become very familiar with his family which has left some with a question. How close is Ray J with his daughter, Melody Love Norwood?

Related: 20 Photos Of Snoop Dogg’s Family He’s Probably Pretty Chill About

A Fathering Lowlight

Throughout entertainment history, media has been dominated by a simple concept, heroes versus villains. While a lot of films are more nuanced these days, the hero versus villains dynamic remains incredibly common as evidenced by the popularity of comic book movies in general. As a result of the fact that so much of the world’s entertainment focuses on the straightforward, people often want to be able to categorize people in real life that easily. For example, a lot of people would like to be able to definitively state whether or not Ray J is a good father to his daughter Melody.

As any parent would tell you, having kids can be very difficult at times and leave adults feeling like failures for a variety of reasons. With that in mind, people should really give celebrity parents a break when it seems like they’ve made the wrong decision when it comes to their kids. That said, if Princess Love’s accusations about Ray J’s conduct following the 2019 BET Soul Train Awards are accurate, he did something pretty messed up as a father.

According to what her posted on social media in November of 2019, Ray J left Princess Love stranded in Las Vegas with their daughter Melody even though she was very pregnant with their son Epik. “Left me and Melody stranded in Vegas and blocked me from calling.. now you wanna post family photos 😂 #byeugly” Love would later state that Ray J abandoned her that night after they fought over his desire to move to Las Vegas and her feeling that it was the wrong place to raise their kids. Love also claimed that she was upset after finding out that Ray J had a second phone to communicate with other women.

Related: Little-Known Facts About Ray J And Princess Love's Marriage

Father-Daughter Connection

Unfortunately for them, Ray J and Princess Love's relationship has been largely defined by drama for many years at this point. After all, even though it is clear that Ray J and Princess Love have a connection that has driven them to reunite over and over again, they’ve also split many times and filed divorce papers on several occasions.

Of course, when most couples have issues, the two people involved tend to have a very different take on things and that certainly is true when it comes to Ray J and Princess Love. For example, after Love came forward with her aforementioned story about Ray J abandoning her and their daughter in Vegas, he denied all of her claims. On top of that, when he responded to Love’s story in an Instagram video, Ray J expressed how much his family, including his daughter Melody, means to him. “I am my family. I love my family. I’ve dedicated my life to my family. To insinuate that I would do anything to harm my daughter was just sad, man.”

Related: Ray J Trolled After Celebrating Five Years Of Marriage Despite Filing For Divorce

No matter which person is telling the truth about what happened in Las Vegas, some of Princess Love’s past statements have made it seem like she thought Ray J is a good father. For example, when she spoke to ESSENCE about what the birth of Melody meant to her and Ray J, Love praised both of their performances as parents. “We’ve grown as people and as parents.” Based on a statement like that and the song he recorded about her, it seems safe to conclude that even though Ray J allegedly did something messed up as a parent, he cares deeply about his daughter Melody.

Next: Is Brandy At Fault For Princess Love And Ray J’s Divorce?
