Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: How to Use Old Map

July 2024 · 3 minute read

Old Maps are fairly common to find while exploring in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Specifically, most of them can be found around the sky islands.

Then, to use them, all players need to do is unlock and explore the Depths area, and follow the marked areas for loot.

In this guide, I will explain how to get and use old maps in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom to help you get some great loot easily.

Since you’ll be traveling to the Depths, don’t forget to also check out our guide on all Forge Construct locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

How to Get Old Maps in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Old Maps can be randomly found throughout the world of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

The best place to get Old Maps is by exploring the small sky islands. Most Old Maps will be hidden in chests and there are a lot of them. Overall, try to access areas that seem hard to reach or are overridden with vines.

Additionally, you can get Old Maps by defeating mini-bosses.

If you haven’t unlocked the Depths map yet, you will be able to collect Old Maps normally but won’t be able to use them.

Nevertheless, you can keep collecting Old Maps and they’ll all be useable once you unlock the Depths.

After unlocking the Depths, you can finally search for the hidden loot. Let’s see how.

How to Use Old Maps in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The first step to using the Old Maps in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is to unlock the Depths map. When you unlock it, if you have picked up any Old Maps, yellow X marks will be added to your map.

Each Old Map corresponds to one X marker and each marker will guide you to loot. Some Old Maps will reveal extra markers after getting the first treasure, so make sure to always check your map.

One useful tip is to bring enough Brightbloom Seeds and Torches to light your path since it will be almost impossible to see and navigate the Depths otherwise.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, you can get Old Maps in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom by exploring Sky Islands and defeating mini-bosses.

Then, you can use these maps in the Depths area to find the marked spot and locate the treasure.

How many Old Maps have you found so far? Have you found any valuable treasure? Let us know in the comments below.

Before leaving, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to use Portable Pots in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. These are obtained from Zonai Devices and are considered one of the best items you can get.

Harry Harry has been a fan of video games from a very young age and writing allows him to share that passion with others. His favorite genres include MMORPGs, survival, and FPS.

He has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy, which allows him to always come up with a fresh approach to solving in-game puzzles and challenges, but also to create content that’s to the point, clean and easy to follow.


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